The SAVE THE NEMT Forest leaflet has been created to raise awareness about the beauty of the pristine NEMT forest, with its unique biodiversity. We and our children are facing grave challenges in real time - global warming, loss of forests and native habitats, declining populations of birds, arthropods, and overall biodiversity. Therefore, it is incumbent upon each of us to protect and preserve the forests in our neighborhoods for wildlife, for us, for our children, and for future generations.

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Wildlife featured in the leaflet

Most of the individual wildlife members you see in the leaflet were photographed and observed within the forest, whereas a few were by the edge of the forest, where they nest in the open space, but they depend on the forest for foraging and getting leaf litter and twigs to build their nests.

Prairie Warbler

Eastern Chipmunk

Hentz’s Red-bellied Tiger Beetle

Pink Lady’s Slipper

Eastern Towhee

Yellow-washed Metarranthis Moth

Pileated Woodpecker

Crowned Slug Moth

American Toad

Field Sparrow

Common Witch-Hazel

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