NEMT Forest Observations
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker foraging on a Hickory tree, NEMT Forest.
The NEMT Forest Ecosystem
When you walk through a forest, what you see is not just the stand of trees that define the forest, but a whole world of complex interactions between the living and the non-living.
Eastern Chipmunk
The NEMT Forest is home to the Eastern Chipmunk, seen here with a mouthful of leaves of Oak. The leaves will be used to either line their burrow in an extensive underground network of tunnels or perhaps plug an entrance to their secret seed repository? Would you believe a single chipmunk is capable of collecting 5000-6000 nuts by the end of fall season?
Migratory stopover
The NEMT Forest with the grove of oaks and pines is a source of shelter and food for migratory birds such as the warblers, thrushes, and kinglets.
Hamamelis virginiana
American Witch-hazel
Visit the forest on a cool and windy day in October